Published at 09/11/2023

IN2 promotes IA+Igual, a pioneering project that promotes the reliable use of AI applied to the labor market

Barcelona, 8 November 2023.

The  IA+Igual Project  is an innovative initiative  of CVAIN2 and ORH that was born with the aim of analyzing and verifying the Artificial Intelligence algorithms applied in the field of Human Resources.  Identifying unconscious biases in programming is the first step in driving more ethical and egalitarian AI within the business ecosystem.  


In this two-year project – until June 2025 – CVA brings expertise in strategic communication and awareness campaigns; IN2 is the technological partner responsible for the verification of the algorithms, and ORH takes on another of the project's great challenges, training. Félix Villar, from IN2, explains: "We use the Ethics model, applicable in audits of algorithms of products and services in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The advantage of using the verification system through the analysis of real cases of companies is that it will allow us to create an ethical and highly efficient algorithmic model in the field of AI applied to HR. HH." 

The project will culminate in the preparation of a White Paper with recommendations for a certification model, and the proposal of a specific quality seal for the workplace." With this innovative project, as Rafael Paulet, president of IN2, mentions, we put technology at the service of people, specifically promoting ethical AI that does not exclude the most vulnerable groups in the business environment."

For the preparation of the White Paper, the three partners of the collaborative network, financed through the Community of Madrid with Next Generation Funds, have a multidisciplinary Advisory Board made up of professionals with recognized professional careers, including three who promote the project from Catalonia: the sociologist Nataly Buslón -expert in Artificial Intelligence and Equality-,  the training consultant Olga Herrero -an expert in gamification-, as well as the computer engineer Félix Villar -an expert in certification and digital transformation at IN2


For ethical digitalization

This project has a clear ethical aspect: it is based on the recommendations of the European Commission and UNESCO on Ethics in the use of AI and will contribute to the achievement of four of the Sustainable Development Goals (Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth and Strategic Partnerships for the Achievement of Goals).

In an environment of disruptive change, both the courses and the awareness campaigns that IA+Igual will promote will revolve around key issues that contribute to creating sustainable digitalization, such as a diverse and bias-free work environment that facilitates employment for all groups, especially the most vulnerable; the advancement of regulation; data protection policies for companies and users, etc.


About the Project

IA+Igual is a project co-financed by the Directorate-General for Evaluation, Quality and Innovation, of the Ministry of Family, Youth and Social Policy of the Community of Madrid, through the European Union's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. This is an innovative pilot project in the field of Social Affairs, which is being developed  by the companies CVAIN2  and ORH with the main objective of analysing and verifying the Artificial Intelligence algorithms applied in the field of Human Resources to identify biases in their programming and promote a more ethical and egalitarian AI within the business ecosystem.


For more information:

Felix Villar

Grupo Altia
Liderando, conectando, explorando juntos

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