Maturity Model and Assessment Tool for a National EHR

Consulting project for all of Latin America and the Caribbean; the areas considered are not only related to technology, but also, for example, to regulation and standards.

Project key figures


countries in the scope of the project

The client's problem

The IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) is an entity that, among other things, provides financing for projects of various kinds in Latin America and the Caribbean. One of its main focuses is the health sector. 

Often, countries apply for funding without first having a systematic and structured analysis of what their real needs are and/or highest priority. 

Thus, in view of the request for funding from different countries, the IDB wishes to provide a maturity assessment model and methodology to identify the most necessary points to be addressed in order to obtain a national shared health record.

The client's objectives

The customer's objectives can be detailed as: 

  1. Analyze existing models in order to take advantage of synergies and not create a new model that actually lacks added value. 

  1. Define a new maturity model and associated assessment tools that are markedly health-oriented. 

  1. Define a new maturity model and associated assessment tools that take into account all relevant aspects, not only the technological one. 

  1. Define a new maturity model and associated assessment tools specifically oriented to the region.

Main challenge

The project addressed three main challenges: 

  • The difficulty of the diversity of countries and health organizations in each of them, 

  • The need to analyze aspects related to the culture of the teams, norms or legal regulations, not only aspects traditionally considered (related to technology). 

  • The need to adapt definitions and models designed for the U.S. to the reality of the region.


A methodological framework is defined that includes 5 dimensions based on existing definitions and models, such as the WHO's IS4H: Clinical Functionalities, People and Culture, Information Systems, Infrastructure and Regulations. 

Based on this framework, a questionnaire is used to identify which dimension/should be emphasized. 

The questionnaire not only provides a vertical view by dimension, but is able to identify an interdimensional critical path that helps countries to establish a comprehensive and global action plan. 

This questionnaire was agreed with experts from both WHO and the US "MEASURE" initiative. 

Finally, it should be noted that although the questionnaire was initially designed for use at the national level, its structure allows results to be obtained at different levels (regional, municipal or at a specific hospital). 

Obtained Results and Benefits 

Achieved results

As a result of the project, two complementary online tools are available that, with the support of IDB staff, help countries identify areas for improvement: 

 - The questionnaire to identify the maturity level of the organization in terms of having an EHR. 

- The questionnaire that allows an organization/country to identify the list of global technical requirements (Security, Usability, Interoperability) that an EHR must meet and the degree of compliance.

Two online tools help countries identify areas for improvement
A list of global technical requirements and the degree of compliance that a national EHR must meet is available.
A simple questionnaire can be used to identify the maturity level of each organization.

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