M-Connecta Project

Collect a patient's device data for integration into the patient's medical record​

Project key figures


in production from november 2022

The client's problem

For the monitoring of chronic diseases, it is increasingly important to empower the patient, so that he/she can follow and record guidelines from home. 

This collected information should be sent to the professional for analysis and follow-up.​

The client's objectives

The objectives of this project are: 

  • A secure and scalable platform 
  • This platform must allow the interconnection of multiple devices or APPs. 
  • And that, in turn, can make the data collected available to the clinical workstations of the professionals.​ 

Main challenge

The biggest challenge encountered has been to come up with a database structure that supports multiple data formats.


The platform built on Azure cloud components includes an Azure API for FHIR component that structures the different information formats while offering all the advantages of FHIR; the connection with the different data sources is governed by Azure services.

Services are offered that present the data for online or batch consumption, either for an individual patient or in bulk.​

Achieved results

M-Connecta has made medical information available in an easy and fast way, which allows the professional to carry out the follow-up of the chronic patient in a more agile and efficient way​. And therefore, better patient care.

Quick and easy access to information
The professional performs the follow-up of the chronically ill patient in a more agile and efficient manner.

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