Design of the Technological Solution for the PSIS Service

Open Administration of Catalonia (AOC)

Projects resulting from the consultancy


Million of monthly requests covered

The client's problem

The AOC has a certificate and digital signature validation service, critical for the operation of several public administrations. The architecture of such service is becoming obsolete and needs to define a new cloud-oriented architecture that guarantees the availability and performance that the service requires.

The client's objectives

The AOC was considering a paradigm shift with the aim of streamlining and providing an effective response to the growing demand of citizens, both now and in their expected future needs in the medium and long term. To this end, it had to study the feasibility of an architecture that would adapt the existing platform to the growing volume of service consumption and establish a more agile way of operating it.

Main challenge

The main challenges of the project were to define a technological architecture capable of responding to the consumption needs of the platform, estimated at 20,000,000 monthly requests; and to guarantee the availability of a cross-section service used by other applications of the Generalitat and other Catalan local administrations.


After conducting a detailed analysis of the AOC's technological situation and needs, IN2 chose to use a standard for defining enterprise architectures called TOGAF.  This solution allowed the development of a technological architecture supported by the logical capabilities of the software and hardware required for the implementation of business services, data and applications. The scope of the architecture included the description of the IT infrastructure, middleware, network and communications and the necessary standards.

Achieved results

Thanks to the consultancy project carried out by IN2, a plan was defined to update the technological platform of the PSIS service and a roadmap was designed for the evolution of the system over the next 10 years.

Creation of the project roadmap for the migration of the service, establishing priorities and schedules to make the best use of the resources allocated to the service.
Definition of DevSecOps services to improve platform operation and increase the productivity of development teams. Overall improvement of code quality and security of production environments.
Cost optimization for cloud deployment. The choice of the appropriate tools for each function was made taking into account the volume of the service and the most economical option in each case.

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