Vueling University

IN2 proposes a way of working in which we provide organizations with qualified personnel.

% of Vueling University participants remain associated with Vueling.


Vueling University editions

The client's problem

Organizations require the incorporation of various IT resources for the development of their own software, since a large part of their services or processes are based on innovative technology. 

This incorporation is complex due to different reasons such as the situation of the IT labor market, the location of the offices, the high level of technical requirements or the subject matter of the project itself. 

The market pushes for an increase in costs through IT market salaries and consequently in the rates associated with the resources. 

This demonstrates the difficulty of having this type of profile available in terms of time, professional capacity and cost.

The client's objectives

  • To adapt its ability to deliver value to its customers.  

  • Strengthen knowledge within the organization, which results in a decrease of errors and a higher work speed.  

  • Increase customer satisfaction, both internal and external.

Main challenge

  • Reduce the time and effort invested in training new recruits who have minimal certified knowledge of technology and the business. 

  • Optimize the investment in selection, onboarding, training and support processes. 

  • Adjusting the salary level, as it does not require profiles of a high technical level.


Establish a selection, training and certification plan that ensures the standards of its organization, in order to make the new resources available in the shortest possible time and with maximum knowledge of the project. The process would be as follows: 

  1. Selection of profiles with a certain degree of experience in development based on the required technologies and personal qualities suitable for the job. 
  2. Technological upgrade - theoretical and practical 
  3. Pass jointly-defined technical level tests. 
  4. Training in technical, architectural and business content specific to its organization 
  5. To pass jointly defined level and personal tests.

Achieved results

Vueling University has provided very good results such as:

Five editions of Vueling University were held, where junior professionals with high potential were discovered and a total of 25 professionals were incorporated.
Of these, more than 60% are still linked to Vueling.
A career plan has been defined to help these profiles grow and fill positions of greater technical responsibility.

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