Privalia Logistic Program

A more efficient and faster way to work so you can find your perfect team

Project key figures


Professionals incorporated in the Privalia Logistic Program

The client's problem

Privalia had the problem of recruiting and keeping talent for its Warehouse Management System (WMS) Project team in the logistics department.

The market is pressing for an increase in costs through salaries in the IT market and, consequently, through the rates associated with resources. The difficulty in having this type of profiles in terms of time, professional capacity and cost is then evident.

These incorporations were complex due to the aforementioned labor market situation, the location of the offices, the high degree of technical demand or the theme of the project itself.

There was a high turnover in the project development team.

The client's objectives

  • The company wanted to recruit professionals with high analytical thinking skills and some basic technical knowledge certified in C#, .NET, object paradigm, and LinQ.
  • Have the resources in number, certified profile and cost.
  • Decrease the assumption curve of the environment.
  • Improve the productivity of new hires.
  • Minimize the impact on the equipment, due to the required support.
  • Improve the quality of the profile, both technical and personal.
  • Achieve profiles with a higher degree of stability in the project.

Main challenge

  • Reduce the time and effort invested in training new hires, especially if we generate the entire training process for each of the professionals who join the project.
  • Advanced productive team, since they enter with a minimum certified knowledge of technology and business, which also reduces the support process after incorporation by their colleagues.
  • Then optimize the investment in the selection, incorporation, training and support processes.
  • Adjust the salary level, by not initially requiring profiles of such a high technical level.


Establish a plan for the selection, training and certification of professionals in C#, .NET, object paradigm and LinQ, which ensures the standards of your organization, in order to have the new resources in the shortest possible time and with the maximum knowledge of the project.

They were also trained in the development and configuration of Privalia's own logistics tools, acquiring notions of Privalia's business, with its specific vocabulary, and acquiring knowledge of general warehouse processes.

Achieved results

An edition of the Privalia Logistic Program was held, incorporating a total of 8 professionals.

The incorporated professionals have shown a high degree of permanence in the project, they are a minimum of two years in it, up to 5 years. Carrying out more than 42,000 hours of continuous development.

Eight professionals incorporated
High degree of permanence, a minimum of 2 years
More than 42,000 hours of continuous development

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