Integration of Health and Social data generated in the providers of the Baix Penedès region

Consultancy project for the periodic generation of indicators to improve municipal management in the areas related to health and social services that fall within its competence

Project key figures


municipalities are the focus of this project

The client's problem

Local entities in Catalonia are in charge of providing some of the so-called "social" services to their citizens. For this service to be efficient, on time and appropriate to the person, it is necessary to have quality information on various aspects: demographic, health, etc. The Xarxa la Tecla, provider of almost all health services in Baix Penedès and a significant part of social services, wants to offer municipalities a set of indicators, conveniently analyzed so that the information is articulated in such a way that they can visualize the interaction between the health situation in the territory and the needs of the social sphere, designing a model of comprehensive analysis.

The client's objectives

In order to offer quality services to whom and when they are needed, it is desirable to establish an analysis model that meets the following characteristics: 

  • Fully automatable. 

  • Replicable with a determined periodicity. 

  • Transferable to the municipalities of the region to improve management. 

  • Adapting to the needs of the region's population.

Main challenge

The first challenge of the project is to obtain a definition of the best possible indicators to achieve the objective, without falling into excess. Once the indicators have been defined, it is essential to identify the sources of information where the data needed to calculate the indicators can be found and to analyze to what extent the capture of this data can be automated. It must be taken into consideration that the sources of information are very diverse and of very different natures. Finally, the information must be standardized so that it can be compared and analyzed as a whole.


In addition to the public access sources, a process was initiated to reach agreements with the municipal entities that manage part of the data necessary for the construction of the analysis model. Many of these data are those that refer to social variables and agreements are necessary to access the information. 

In parallel, the processes of extraction and transformation of the information to be stored in a structured way in a BI tool are developed, which must allow the dynamic analysis of the information and the automatic generation of reports. 

Finally, the consulting team receives this information to apply its experience and knowledge in the drafting of recommendations for local entities.

Achieved results

An analysis model combining health and social data is available and used by the main health and social service providers in the territory. Planning and management decisions are made, in part, on the basis of the information provided. 

In addition, an extraction-structuring-analysis model is available that can be replicated in other territories and even scaled to a national level.

Health and social areas are integrated to improve management and benefit citizens
Model replicable and scalable to other organizations

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