Design of the Technological Solution for the PSIS Service
Open Administration of Catalonia (AOC)
The Department of Health of Catalonia needed a centralized support for health entities (hospitals, primary care, socio-health, mental health and other care services) to ensure the quality of the service provided by CatSalut applications, both from a functional and technical point of view.
The client's main objective was to transform the eSalut office into an efficiently managed service; so that it is able to meet the needs of healthcare entities at a high level of quality.
The main challenge was to provide an effective and rapid response to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Due to the effect of the coronavirus, healthcare platforms saw their use multiply 20-fold. In some cases, such as La Meva Salut (a portal that allows citizens to access their medical records and health procedures), new critical services appeared and implementation times were extremely short.
In order to meet the client's needs, in addition to the emergence of COVID-19, it has been essential to work along three main lines:
To enhance the transversal knowledge of CatSalut applications in the team.
To systematize the resolution of incidents, support requests and the implementation of new cases of using the applications.
Maintain a fully motivated team with the necessary attitude to provide the best quality service.
In addition, TOGAF-based Reference Architecture, Solution Design for Cloud Deployment with AWS and a DevSecOps Approach for the new platform have been used in this solution.
The office team has been able to cope with a 10-fold increase in requests during the pandemic while maintaining the excellence demanded by the healthcare sector.
We work so that things go well